Now, I have 2 models of the classic LED 7-Segment as shown in the picture below: HP 5082-7414 from HP is on the left. It’s a 4-digit Red LED 7-Segment very nice for wristwatch. The one on the right is an 2-digit Red LED 7-Segment from an unknown maker. It can be used in a wristwatch too (with a little bit bigger case).
Based on my inspection, I have made symbols for these displays with Eagle 5.4.0 free version. The displays are common cathode and the symbols are below
The PCB footprints are as the following (DIP 12)
I have made simple clocks using these displays and PIC16F887. The real thing looks much better than the photo. The displays are bright red and sun light viewable. Very COOL!!! They are on my computer desk and I love to see them very often.
Each clock consumes about 0.25W (50mA, 5V) when the PIC16F887 operates at 250kHz (display refresh rate is about 61Hz). The amount of consumed current can be reduced significantly if I use some current limit resistors. But the displays will be dimmer than without resistors. I will try to use PWM for reducing the power consumption as I don’t want to put 8 resistors into my design. The schematic/PCB and firmware including source code in MikroC will be made public once I have complete all of the designs. I will even have kits for sell if my time permitted.
very classic
Hi.. I'm a beginner to PIC. Actually I'm doing a semestral project on digital thermometer using PIC16F877. I want to use 3 digit 7 segment as display unit. Could you please help me on the source code and also the schematic as well? I'm really appreaciate your help. you can email me at
I've been reading your articles lately and I give you "thumbs up" for your accomplishments!
Nowadays, I'm building my first 7-segment clock with PIC16F628A. As soon it start works I can send you a photo of my breadboard.
I'm trying to make a 4-digit Red LED 7-Segment display clock for my car. Could you PLEASE send me the schematic & source code for the clock you have on this site. Can I use the pic16f628A IC?
You can email me at
excuse me please send circuit diagram for "clssic led 7-segment diplays"
my emailid is
kindly send circuit diagram for the project:"Classic LED 7-Segment Displays"
please send the somplete pjct if u dun mind,i need it...:(
could you send eagle library with hp display and maybe code for operate it. I would be very helpful. Please send at qwiateq(at)
Hello, nice project, would you send the source code and the schematic please.
Hello, could you please send me diagram for Classic LED 7-Segment Displays. I will be use led HP 5082-7414. Thank you in advance.
My email
hello can you send to me the source code and the shema for pic 16F877A or pic 16F84 and thank
I need the Eagle Library, I would appreciate if you send it to me.
Thanks for your help!
Best wishes
Melvin Steele
Hi, great job, can you send my eagle library for this displays? Thanks. Peter.
hello ilike you porject. please send circuit diagram in this email thank you. :)
I like this watch! Congrats! Could you please send me the schematic & source code to email adress?
Thak you!
Kind regards,
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