Thursday, June 5, 2008

My GPS Clock is up and running

With the help of WDT, My GPS Clock is now running nicely. I don't know its exact accuracy. After comparing my GPS Clock time with SymmTime time, I can only say that my clock is very accurate. I use PIC16F877A to control the clock.

GPS Clock with LCD Display
I use PPS (Pulse Per Second) to drive my clock so ,theroticaly , the clock should be very accurate. The PPS accuracy from the Lassen iQ GPS module is about 50ns (when position fixes or SV>2).GPS Module
Next step, I will add sound of the second 'Tick' for accurately setting my watches. Also, I think that telling time with 7-Segment display should be more accurate than the LCD.


  1. I would love to see more detail on this project .... pcb design, firmware, parts ???
    Can you provide them at all

  2. I second Mike's comment. Any chance of a schematic, code etc.

  3. Any chance of a schematic, code etc.

  4. hello this project is exactly my final project, i would like to realize more details and shematic.thanks alot. i really need your help.please

  5. my email address is

  6. I recently completed a project of a GPS clock using the old and cheap Motorola GT+ gps receiver, which is working nicely with a 7 segment display and a vehicular active antenna. However, since it's been used indoors, satellite locking is a constant problem, and sometimes it'll stay one or two hours without tracking any satellites at all. Perhaps I should consider installing the antenna outdoors, but really want to avoid the complications. I was wondering if the CW25 receiver requires a sensitive antenna and whether it has to be of the active or the passive type. Would you please include more details about your project? I believe it could be very helpful to many of us.

    Thank you,
    Euler D. Graça

  7. Would you mind sharing schematics and code of this wonderful project? Kindly mail me at
